-8688:42:24.716Custom Slice

28 Dec 24, 21:49 - Noodlebxd

00:00 - 00:00 (00:00)
- Actual Reduced Direct hits Periodic hits
Spell % Amount % Amount Cast Other Total Hits Crits Total Hits Crits
Shadow Bolt Volley (Hellfire Channeler) 80.4% 9 023 14.2% 1 488
5 5 1 804
2 581
2 581
2 424
1 232
Burning Abyssal (Magtheridon) 19.6% 2 206 1 1 2 206
2 206
2 206
2 206
2 206
2 206
2 206
Renew 1
Prayer of Fortitude 1
Lifebloom 1
Prayer of Shadow Protection 1
Total 11 229 1 488