2:55:04.134Custom Slice

23 Jun 24, 18:16 - Qee

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
31 186 744 2 968.9
1 228 395 116.9
1 338 237 127.4
1 358 551 129.3
19 074 390 1 815.8
1 132 987 107.8
1 189 537 113.2
892 284 84.9
9 700 372 923.4
24 520 2.3
68 832 6.5
355 420 33.8
2 123 100 202.1
70 888 6.7
79 868 7.6
76 442 7.2
288 882 27.5
34 405 3.2

First Hit: 6/23 18:16:19.887 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Qee -> Lucky with 虔诚光环

Last Hit: 6/23 21:11:24.021 SPELL_CREATE Nee -> 通往达拉然的传送门 with 传送门:达拉然