1:57:18.225Custom Slice

24 Jun 24, 19:16 - Azyral

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
146 041 380 20 749.7
33 013 315 4 690.5
99 234 661 14 099.3
25 602 881 3 637.6
26 891 583 3 820.7
163 270 23.1
2 302 967 327.2
1 476 354 209.7
15 187 549 2 157.8
24 235 3.4
124 533 17.6
1 502 356 213.4
6 797 522 965.8
627 480 89.1
733 649 104.2
5 731 448 814.3
5 797 229 823.6
564 608 80.2
1 504 463 213.7
8 151 138 1 158.1
19 455 302 2 764.2
1 272 552 180.8
21 117 246 3 000.3
5 159 514 733.0
9 413 789 1 337.5
1 630 743 231.6
321 948 45.7
17 229 527 2 447.9
55 583 371 7 897.3
1 236 807 175.7
23 402 953 3 325.1
505 713 71.8
1 215 215 172.6
1 449 000 205.8
20 046 752 2 848.2
1 627 495 231.2
2 594 906 368.6
14 105 2.0
90 085 12.7
247 370 35.1
4 428 390 629.1
2 548 0.3
19 551 2.7
197 106 28.0
8 722 315 1 239.2
28 247 038 4 013.3
1 080 512 153.5

First Hit: 6/24 19:16:55.193 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Azyral -> Azyral with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 6/24 21:14:13.418 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Borntobash -> Azyral with Devotion Aura