3:09:29.692Custom Slice

24 Jun 24, 22:38 - Wmz

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
405 787 247 35 690.2
95 909 584 8 435.5
240 047 938 21 112.9
99 260 107 8 730.2
59 850 821 5 264.0
1 123 651 98.8
2 585 127 227.3
6 782 149 596.5
55 489 262 4 880.4
1 731 888 152.3
2 307 127 202.9
7 936 307 698.0
80 982 139 7 122.6
1 096 469 96.4
4 139 891 364.1
9 742 317 856.8
53 786 336 4 730.6
216 742 19.0
710 730 62.5
8 180 752 719.5
848 799 74.6
49 184 149 4 325.8
130 229 604 11 454.1
7 195 563 632.8
63 544 984 5 588.9
10 271 488 903.4
32 728 315 2 878.5
6 723 715 591.3
12 902 972 1 134.8
1 359 217 119.5
3 187 139 280.3
21 529 320 1 893.5
25 040 759 2 202.4
7 389 304 649.9
19 785 587 1 740.2
15 912 013 1 399.5
28 153 922 2 476.2
7 254 0.6
9 429 0.8
7 421 917 652.7
25 187 253 2 215.2
23 529 422 2 069.4
44 364 989 3 902.0
7 836 054 689.2

First Hit: 6/24 22:38:58.659 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Jarrphatyndx -> Madwein with Аура лунного совуха

Last Hit: 6/25 01:48:28.351 SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL Healing Stream Totem IX -> Jarrphatyndx with Тотем исцеляющего потока