0:26:18.062Custom Slice

25 Jun 24, 02:42 - Brugam

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
27 967 517 17 722.6
4 772 343 3 024.1
9 222 975 5 844.4
4 676 763 2 963.6
7 716 225 4 889.6
23 992 15.2
23 992 15.2
477 997 302.9
4 326 650 2 741.7
23 363 14.8
23 363 14.8
337 274 213.7
1 344 422 851.9
107 352 68.0
285 215 180.7
700 850 444.1
5 068 813 3 212.0
56 035 35.5
114 735 72.7
352 752 223.5
1 897 713 1 202.5
505 957 320.6
1 186 742 752.0
1 122 634 711.4
1 238 497 784.8
394 390 249.9
1 035 753 656.3
487 046 308.6
6 254 949 3 963.6
18 147 11.4
18 147 11.4
473 812 300.2
89 102 56.4
1 015 441 643.4
1 510 393 957.1
373 883 236.9
31 146 19.7
2 627 666 1 665.1
5 024 635 3 184.0
350 515 222.1

First Hit: 6/25 02:42:11.495 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Brugam -> Brugam with Armistice

Last Hit: 6/25 03:08:29.557 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Brugam -> Prodispatch with Devotion Aura