2:03:17.028Custom Slice

25 Jun 24, 16:40 - Samar

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
227 639 868 30 774.5
44 278 517 5 985.9
106 161 670 14 351.9
36 481 618 4 931.9
16 997 762 2 297.9
3 043 262 411.4
8 945 021 1 209.2
8 609 163 1 163.8
146 238 19.7
23 542 775 3 182.7
45 061 511 6 091.8
2 619 398 354.1
47 861 152 6 470.3
515 627 69.7
5 668 416 766.3
3 110 392 420.4
39 312 433 5 314.6
4 767 652 644.5
10 591 504 1 431.8
3 522 368 476.1
21 529 301 2 910.5
654 662 88.5
1 643 937 222.2
5 543 027 749.3
25 079 752 3 390.5
785 162 106.1
6 266 036 847.1
3 135 200 423.8
30 750 697 4 157.1
284 344 38.4
1 555 852 210.3
2 186 864 295.6
25 164 863 3 402.0
254 359 34.3
734 428 99.2
2 795 823 377.9
20 435 750 2 762.6
251 385 33.9
727 282 98.3
2 687 657 363.3
361 920 48.9
10 179 289 1 376.1
24 967 683 3 375.3
2 271 726 307.1

First Hit: 6/25 16:40:57.150 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Samar with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 6/25 18:44:14.178 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Samar -> Shamtron with Devotion Aura