0:28:25.073Custom Slice

25 Jun 24, 17:15 - Drognus

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
59 403 240 34 839.1
11 813 992 6 928.7
24 993 447 14 658.2
20 819 749 12 210.4
10 244 812 6 008.4
26 957 15.8
116 144 68.1
2 113 522 1 239.5
2 133 964 1 251.5
225 541 132.2
498 831 292.5
3 800 995 2 229.2
4 944 592 2 899.9
84 795 49.7
121 423 71.2
1 750 815 1 026.8
7 841 906 4 599.1
622 449 365.0
1 017 123 596.5
1 942 129 1 139.0
6 609 040 3 876.1
271 664 159.3
410 736 240.8
1 792 388 1 051.2
9 459 460 5 547.8
73 491 43.1
147 360 86.4
2 503 327 1 468.1
5 175 062 3 035.0
947 792 555.8
3 587 131 2 103.7
1 764 994 1 035.1
6 706 285 3 933.1
1 361 495 798.4
4 499 920 2 639.1
1 613 735 946.4
6 288 119 3 687.8
1 757 146 1 030.5
8 199 808 4 809.0
14 594 779 8 559.6
1 780 698 1 044.3

First Hit: 6/25 17:15:26.514 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Drognus with Fuerza de Wrynn

Last Hit: 6/25 17:43:51.587 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Lecordr -> Drognus with Aura de lechúcico lunar