0:39:15.840Custom Slice

25 Jun 24, 18:36 - Jheez

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
43 866 997 18 620.5
10 836 275 4 599.7
40 824 404 17 329.0
10 974 023 4 658.2
3 777 1.6
5 442 285 2 310.1
18 720 896 7 946.5
567 424 240.8
9 582 578 4 067.5
87 086 36.9
403 385 171.2
927 609 393.7
2 168 492 920.4
80 940 34.3
430 948 182.9
1 354 076 574.7
8 461 319 3 591.6
605 089 256.8
3 275 465 1 390.3
529 525 224.7
6 527 944 2 770.9
12 248 5.1
93 726 39.7
575 731 244.3
3 939 127 1 672.0
684 873 290.7
1 533 891 651.1
4 595 986 1 950.8
5 632 872 2 391.0
226 957 96.3
1 125 001 477.5
744 779 316.1
1 736 698 737.1
86 097 36.5
5 686 724 2 413.8
63 903 27.1
167 306 71.0
921 619 391.2
127 466 54.1
3 632 894 1 542.0
15 073 786 6 398.4
671 177 284.8

First Hit: 6/25 18:36:25.884 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Jheez with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/25 19:15:41.724 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Jheez -> Jheez with Chill of the Throne