2:21:36.766Custom Slice

25 Jun 24, 21:20 - Boxolo

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
256 837 275 30 227.6
45 200 978 5 319.7
122 607 091 14 429.8
55 862 530 6 574.5
42 469 4.9
2 061 863 242.6
5 144 027 605.4
396 684 46.6
24 594 703 2 894.5
13 978 294 1 645.1
48 961 634 5 762.3
5 773 279 679.4
25 056 318 2 948.9
709 212 83.4
5 405 037 636.1
1 706 678 200.8
38 470 007 4 527.6
289 715 34.0
1 007 381 118.5
4 645 899 546.7
37 760 766 4 444.1
4 718 853 555.3
13 269 248 1 561.6
1 061 786 124.9
3 497 120 411.5
14 318 459 1 685.1
18 369 754 2 161.9
72 170 8.4
172 246 20.2
5 418 846 637.7
16 783 435 1 975.2
487 881 57.4
36 444 965 4 289.2
9 555 1.1
9 555 1.1
2 647 550 311.5
1 316 0.1
22 026 152 2 592.2
41 708 012 4 908.6
4 248 359 499.9
19 231 624 2 263.4
4 865 853 572.6
15 617 480 1 838.0
4 374 615 514.8
22 395 089 2 635.7
92 948 10.9
958 068 112.7
4 077 533 479.8
4 417 581 519.9
33 430 3.9
126 531 14.8
3 047 894 358.7

First Hit: 6/25 21:20:13.851 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Boxolo with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/25 23:41:50.617 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Boxolo -> Boxolo with Chill of the Throne