2:57:14.988Custom Slice

26 Jun 24, 16:57 - Hylerina

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
345 716 785 32 507.4
53 755 454 5 054.5
153 504 460 14 433.9
54 652 064 5 138.8
20 155 642 1 895.2
9 889 497 929.9
28 779 805 2 706.1
14 769 573 1 388.7
64 788 466 6 092.0
3 964 383 372.7
36 921 939 3 471.7
3 651 758 343.3
42 615 373 4 007.0
70 822 6.6
700 604 65.8
3 444 501 323.8
68 109 019 6 404.2
530 826 49.9
5 055 188 475.3
5 318 733 500.1
23 591 547 2 218.2
1 149 587 108.0
2 808 636 264.0
9 796 946 921.1
40 507 650 3 808.9
13 567 1.2
3 393 705 319.1
44 588 550 4 192.6
1 082 477 101.7
1 265 193 118.9
3 746 582 352.2
4 347 702 408.8
41 495 3.9
148 394 13.9
422 900 39.7
15 515 1.4
25 451 252 2 393.1
52 496 693 4 936.2
3 439 733 323.4
430 759 40.5
11 348 893 1 067.1
24 681 187 2 320.7
2 240 253 210.6
36 566 562 3 438.3
223 966 21.0
630 998 59.3
4 427 380 416.3
2 256 0.2
2 256 0.2

First Hit: 6/26 16:57:17.642 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Hylerina with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 6/26 19:54:32.630 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Basiliskk -> Hylerina with Frost Resistance Aura