2:11:13.130Custom Slice

26 Jun 24, 18:51 - Caneexd

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
371 861 927 47 231.7
60 790 019 7 721.2
134 923 595 17 137.2
58 604 543 7 443.6
60 849 987 7 728.8
4 472 152 568.0
40 273 041 5 115.2
54 455 6.9
67 372 8.5
3 708 526 471.0
53 906 780 6 846.9
426 033 54.1
818 239 103.9
5 596 509 710.8
11 380 118 1 445.4
1 575 952 200.1
2 893 573 367.5
17 247 399 2 190.6
53 052 521 6 738.4
4 899 012 622.2
14 046 275 1 784.0
5 559 076 706.0
45 301 150 5 753.8
1 998 087 253.7
5 389 105 684.4
4 637 540 589.0
36 239 117 4 602.8
69 303 8.8
511 796 65.0
3 894 779 494.6
33 907 369 4 306.7
5 526 246 701.9
22 055 814 2 801.4
4 497 361 571.2
36 950 638 4 693.2
938 600 119.2
7 184 635 912.5
3 371 104 428.1
1 206 0.1
45 302 331 5 754.0
81 956 786 10 409.6
5 620 097 713.8

First Hit: 6/26 18:51:23.736 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Caneexd with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/26 21:02:36.866 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Nauderqo -> Caneexd with Moonkin Aura