0:25:52.480Custom Slice

26 Jun 24, 21:12 - Naevis

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
45 139 700 29 075.8
5 238 808 3 374.4
21 099 411 13 590.7
4 870 262 3 137.0
1 313 631 846.1
87 705 56.4
101 761 65.5
1 241 467 799.6
4 677 266 3 012.7
62 732 40.4
113 105 72.8
476 048 306.6
4 319 716 2 782.4
172 183 110.9
416 134 268.0
363 402 234.0
9 173 208 5 908.7
1 116 782 719.3
5 617 735 3 618.5
450 238 290.0
8 343 505 5 374.3
29 012 18.6
29 012 18.6
362 326 233.3
1 844 119 1 187.8
70 692 45.5
70 692 45.5
774 567 498.9
6 603 837 4 253.7
32 360 20.8
32 360 20.8
288 140 185.5
8 813 160 5 676.8
32 472 20.9
32 472 20.9
310 251 199.8
4 936 3.1
2 321 217 1 495.1
5 308 161 3 419.1
289 960 186.7
46 322 29.8
1 313 653 846.1
9 377 979 6 040.6
313 863 202.1

First Hit: 6/26 21:12:09.822 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Naevis -> Naevis with Armistice

Last Hit: 6/26 21:38:02.302 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Grossman -> Naevis with Devotion Aura