1:21:58.444Custom Slice

26 Jun 24, 22:54 - Jheez

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
117 255 419 23 839.9
16 685 172 3 392.3
39 190 233 7 968.0
17 641 643 3 586.8
11 845 919 2 408.4
988 351 200.9
1 838 646 373.8
192 486 39.1
7 446 442 1 513.9
59 728 12.1
59 728 12.1
4 911 676 998.6
10 686 096 2 172.6
168 491 34.2
626 581 127.3
1 382 021 280.9
14 185 425 2 884.1
365 656 74.3
633 001 128.6
1 396 748 283.9
13 550 389 2 755.0
24 155 4.9
124 457 25.3
1 807 270 367.4
19 431 414 3 950.7
571 417 116.1
4 389 803 892.5
1 014 648 206.2
14 135 637 2 874.0
146 336 29.7
389 533 79.1
1 559 043 316.9
11 357 650 2 309.1
117 915 23.9
234 898 47.7
2 267 225 460.9
12 711 412 2 584.4
730 157 148.4
3 687 341 749.6
933 051 189.7
66 389 13.4
14 501 317 2 948.3
29 044 891 5 905.3
1 189 124 241.7

First Hit: 6/26 22:54:16.606 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Jheez with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/27 00:16:15.050 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Jheez with Hellscream's Warsong