1:29:59.362Custom Slice

27 Jun 24, 12:36 - Valdy

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
254 156 850 47 071.6
43 438 842 8 045.1
102 556 811 18 994.2
44 590 170 8 258.4
8 658 473 1 603.6
1 190 104 220.4
2 147 065 397.6
10 877 860 2 014.6
33 060 593 6 123.0
267 257 49.4
372 154 68.9
4 014 245 743.4
37 095 950 6 870.4
136 328 25.2
313 549 58.0
3 891 698 720.7
29 833 972 5 525.4
8 498 288 1 573.9
23 374 771 4 329.1
4 213 513 780.3
26 417 524 4 892.7
134 108 24.8
745 839 138.1
3 453 074 639.5
37 343 919 6 916.3
5 625 390 1 041.8
23 729 397 4 394.8
3 077 588 569.9
128 084 23.7
26 020 249 4 819.1
46 363 562 8 586.8
3 585 896 664.1
5 434 665 1 006.5
464 209 85.9
1 314 073 243.3
3 216 380 595.6
47 121 192 8 727.1
760 048 140.7
3 603 327 667.3
4 968 249 920.1
29 062 478 5 382.5
342 861 63.5
592 423 109.7
3 291 667 609.6
651 0.1

First Hit: 6/27 12:36:05.518 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Valdy -> Valdy with Flight Form

Last Hit: 6/27 14:06:04.880 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Bleckeb -> Bleckeb with Swift Flight Form