0:38:50.325Custom Slice

27 Jun 24, 18:11 - Rohly

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
47 860 786 20 538.2
6 691 030 2 871.2
26 922 585 11 553.1
6 506 343 2 792.0
8 705 732 3 735.8
89 309 38.3
279 734 120.0
593 566 254.7
10 023 212 4 301.2
28 264 12.1
104 092 44.6
591 144 253.6
5 955 226 2 555.5
92 296 39.6
104 347 44.7
418 333 179.5
3 470 161 1 489.1
583 764 250.5
1 967 938 844.4
1 651 729 708.7
368 761 158.2
2 641 958 1 133.7
6 311 243 2 708.3
409 642 175.7
6 644 151 2 851.1
69 827 29.9
179 904 77.2
547 076 234.7
2 935 840 1 259.8
68 762 29.5
68 762 29.5
934 740 401.1
225 946 96.9
3 085 843 1 324.2
17 875 558 7 670.8
389 057 166.9
5 799 738 2 488.8
14 919 6.4
14 919 6.4
523 797 224.7
3 732 019 1 601.5
16 088 6.9
16 088 6.9
447 259 191.9

First Hit: 6/27 18:11:36.018 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Rohly -> Rohly with Armistice

Last Hit: 6/27 18:50:26.343 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Funfunchain -> Rohly with Moonkin Aura