1:23:12.901Custom Slice

27 Jun 24, 20:03 - Ambur

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
223 407 879 44 745.1
37 799 873 7 570.7
78 405 574 15 703.4
31 597 646 6 328.5
28 522 684 5 712.6
898 437 179.9
1 427 713 285.9
2 472 471 495.1
29 298 315 5 867.9
2 476 872 496.0
27 694 587 5 546.7
5 980 715 1 197.8
11 458 176 2 294.8
3 082 719 617.4
33 534 322 6 716.4
33 895 6.7
342 225 68.5
2 011 083 402.7
522 907 104.7
10 972 2.1
83 155 16.6
795 521 159.3
25 168 490 5 040.8
4 120 449 825.2
18 114 757 3 628.1
1 910 073 382.5
1 303 258 261.0
53 160 10.6
74 414 14.9
1 521 919 304.8
37 354 711 7 481.5
385 599 77.2
2 195 162 439.6
4 304 443 862.1
33 105 047 6 630.4
2 338 978 468.4
6 781 881 1 358.3
1 137 740 227.8
1 458 274 292.0
8 021 928 1 606.6
121 677 24.3
25 178 906 5 042.9
43 251 698 8 662.6
2 661 639 533.0

First Hit: 6/27 20:03:02.804 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Ambur with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/27 21:26:15.705 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED The Lich King -> The Lich King with Remorseless Winter