3:07:07.692Custom Slice

28 Jun 24, 10:04 - Noroel

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
306 765 671 27 322.2
52 465 873 4 672.8
150 133 835 13 371.7
55 029 548 4 901.2
14 511 257 1 292.4
5 624 504 500.9
22 047 779 1 963.6
8 936 772 795.9
37 163 477 3 309.9
526 239 46.8
629 702 56.0
3 687 311 328.4
31 567 887 2 811.6
2 650 526 236.0
6 445 139 574.0
12 553 395 1 118.0
39 769 112 3 542.0
3 827 990 340.9
26 371 951 2 348.8
3 146 138 280.2
46 712 962 4 160.5
257 281 22.9
915 509 81.5
5 038 284 448.7
32 764 005 2 918.1
73 040 6.5
619 992 55.2
4 208 505 374.8
53 021 320 4 722.3
160 144 14.2
1 878 962 167.3
4 274 958 380.7
362 090 32.2
9 237 021 822.6
21 810 850 1 942.5
2 667 204 237.5
3 920 891 349.2
24 971 394 2 224.0
58 549 111 5 214.7
3 755 843 334.5
38 906 784 3 465.2
519 332 46.2
4 660 140 415.0
4 483 706 399.3
6 528 801 581.4
45 365 4.0
65 563 5.8
1 276 003 113.6
1 537 085 136.9
730 047 65.0
1 009 942 89.9
422 504 37.6
3 842 990 342.2
5 129 195 456.8
578 925 51.5

First Hit: 6/28 10:04:11.141 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Noroel with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 6/28 13:11:18.833 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Sazbirnlok -> Noroel with Trueshot Aura