0:12:27.051Custom Slice

28 Jun 24, 11:08 - Rohini

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
16 584 140 22 199.4
2 230 459 2 985.6
6 859 927 9 182.6
2 223 116 2 975.8
2 514 600 3 366.0
19 501 26.1
128 777 172.3
83 325 111.5
2 569 700 3 439.7
55 469 74.2
203 798 272.8
222 996 298.5
1 654 119 2 214.1
12 403 16.6
69 030 92.4
82 670 110.6
1 158 399 1 550.6
175 114 234.4
837 329 1 120.8
806 227 1 079.2
652 923 874.0
138 699 185.6
406 454 544.0
477 901 639.7
2 993 838 4 007.5
178 042 238.3
2 524 792 3 379.6
15 661 20.9
62 479 83.6
147 574 197.5
2 515 769 3 367.6
143 456 192.0
1 459 102 1 953.1
61 581 82.4
1 237 888 1 657.0
2 654 260 3 552.9
107 293 143.6
432 268 578.6
1 038 698 1 390.3
55 507 74.3

First Hit: 6/28 11:08:53.205 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Wield -> Nash with Gift of the Wild

Last Hit: 6/28 11:21:20.256 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Callmecharli -> Rohini with Frost Resistance Aura