3:32:05.258Custom Slice

29 Jun 24, 20:08 - Traptard

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
309 285 905 24 304.8
80 365 124 6 315.4
198 670 164 15 612.2
65 029 123 5 110.2
13 372 155 1 050.8
1 890 534 148.5
4 073 602 320.1
18 309 543 1 438.8
16 970 487 1 333.6
8 253 195 648.5
17 411 571 1 368.2
13 399 995 1 053.0
36 231 156 2 847.1
637 511 50.0
2 126 187 167.0
4 925 052 387.0
52 517 998 4 127.0
5 349 300 420.3
22 536 206 1 770.9
3 891 824 305.8
998 071 78.4
46 177 097 3 628.7
121 635 427 9 558.5
4 272 190 335.7
55 675 000 4 375.1
416 947 32.7
2 864 384 225.0
3 693 378 290.2
10 402 469 817.4
5 565 0.4
1 421 715 111.7
58 445 175 4 592.8
4 557 987 358.1
40 841 972 3 209.5
1 138 018 89.4
1 335 169 104.9
4 289 152 337.0
239 698 18.8
16 489 380 1 295.7
26 665 736 2 095.4
3 059 033 240.3
23 591 724 1 853.9
13 142 1.0
16 317 1.2
3 209 254 252.1

First Hit: 6/29 20:08:57.688 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Traptard -> Traptard with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 6/29 23:41:02.946 SPELL_ENERGIZE Traptard -> Traptard with Darkglow