2:16:23.772Custom Slice

29 Jun 24, 21:18 - Plexs

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
160 027 713 19 554.2
43 573 495 5 324.3
78 790 365 9 627.6
35 267 167 4 309.4
7 362 445 899.6
4 125 246 504.0
5 582 840 682.1
10 405 814 1 271.5
6 858 320 838.0
402 706 49.2
815 700 99.6
7 090 463 866.4
22 818 729 2 788.2
2 866 992 350.3
9 691 863 1 184.2
2 018 853 246.6
24 300 667 2 969.3
1 062 548 129.8
1 687 898 206.2
2 005 696 245.0
20 966 665 2 561.9
333 700 40.7
850 605 103.9
2 617 279 319.8
28 392 098 3 469.3
100 760 12.3
382 396 46.7
2 035 806 248.7
25 198 329 3 079.0
671 622 82.0
1 029 587 125.8
2 726 882 333.2
22 359 374 2 732.1
162 391 19.8
435 075 53.1
2 194 124 268.1
103 302 12.6
7 126 416 870.7
13 644 443 1 667.2
2 014 083 246.1
778 246 95.0
26 711 562 3 263.9
44 525 819 5 440.7
2 083 492 254.5
889 538 108.6
9 552 1.1
144 139 17.6
74 675 9.1

First Hit: 6/29 21:18:40.736 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Plexs -> Plexs with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 6/29 23:35:04.508 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Vigoda -> Plexs with Moonkin Aura