1:33:27.389Custom Slice

30 Jun 24, 15:43 - Bleksas

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
240 881 669 42 957.9
43 175 270 7 699.7
107 641 006 19 196.2
43 993 869 7 845.6
10 689 135 1 906.2
4 635 158 826.6
15 115 331 2 695.6
8 913 187 1 589.5
33 437 889 5 963.1
250 095 44.6
896 396 159.8
3 579 311 638.3
40 420 234 7 208.3
7 692 079 1 371.7
21 130 899 3 768.4
5 044 704 899.6
28 502 620 5 083.0
1 015 834 181.1
1 372 328 244.7
4 083 958 728.3
39 373 202 7 021.6
4 073 845 726.5
19 153 048 3 415.6
33 485 5.9
330 193 58.8
3 238 109 577.4
23 967 391 4 274.2
698 752 124.6
1 698 695 302.9
5 094 184 908.4
24 400 207 4 351.4
4 718 427 841.4
17 477 614 3 116.8
2 797 832 498.9
20 830 045 3 714.7
340 753 60.7
845 899 150.8
3 781 317 674.3
107 898 19.2
23 790 687 4 242.7
48 773 651 8 698.1
3 387 422 604.0

First Hit: 6/30 15:43:40.326 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Bleksas with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 6/30 17:17:07.715 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Bleksas with Strength of Wrynn