3:11:35.660Custom Slice

30 Jun 24, 19:00 - Fofr

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
346 801 148 30 168.0
77 083 963 6 705.4
192 306 513 16 728.6
81 934 219 7 127.4
57 131 772 4 969.8
16 345 1.4
18 749 1.6
5 779 058 502.7
24 449 278 2 126.8
2 593 877 225.6
11 321 612 984.8
2 147 544 186.8
4 768 542 414.8
26 654 879 2 318.6
189 705 16.5
31 917 972 2 776.5
58 414 747 5 081.4
3 631 409 315.8
50 533 156 4 395.8
1 849 051 160.8
3 211 586 279.3
5 639 883 490.6
852 693 74.1
39 452 137 3 431.9
120 804 671 10 508.7
4 763 253 414.3
19 720 149 1 715.4
263 666 22.9
277 835 24.1
14 379 476 1 250.8
54 912 645 4 776.8
375 186 32.6
1 059 599 92.1
4 161 893 362.0
44 815 903 3 898.5
54 212 4.7
468 425 40.7
4 820 872 419.3
69 432 755 6 039.9
468 564 40.7
1 030 581 89.6
8 119 355 706.2
13 441 480 1 169.2
539 286 46.9
2 251 778 195.8
1 390 264 120.9

First Hit: 6/30 19:00:33.671 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Fofr -> Fofr with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 6/30 22:12:09.331 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Zorgial -> Fofr with Devotion Aura