0:22:32.446Custom Slice

01 Jul 24, 21:32 - Balast

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
35 941 020 26 574.8
3 808 917 2 816.3
8 959 566 6 624.7
3 479 064 2 572.4
4 276 498 3 162.0
18 647 13.7
18 647 13.7
271 346 200.6
4 475 501 3 309.1
149 856 110.8
200 356 148.1
271 150 200.4
4 642 803 3 432.8
25 332 18.7
25 332 18.7
314 533 232.5
969 248 716.6
104 115 76.9
116 504 86.1
831 231 614.6
4 853 022 3 588.3
60 183 44.4
108 862 80.4
315 035 232.9
5 200 651 3 845.3
52 344 38.7
111 891 82.7
355 074 262.5
2 127 022 1 572.7
25 288 18.6
56 157 41.5
343 079 253.6
3 866 345 2 858.7
649 068 479.9
2 133 482 1 577.4
307 807 227.5
5 529 662 4 088.6
17 456 12.9
17 456 12.9
214 565 158.6
268 0.1
2 706 628 2 001.2
6 170 879 4 562.7
255 244 188.7

First Hit: 7/1 21:32:03.810 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Balast -> Balast with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/1 21:54:36.256 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Balast -> Kycci with Focus Magic