2:14:27.670Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 02:55 - Lojed

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
227 743 157 28 229.1
37 604 722 4 661.1
106 335 205 13 180.4
39 746 046 4 926.5
10 633 118 1 317.9
691 988 85.7
1 060 364 131.4
10 305 024 1 277.3
32 339 650 4 008.5
3 329 540 412.7
605 706 75.0
23 785 826 2 948.2
73 837 863 9 152.3
2 443 827 302.9
29 418 037 3 646.4
2 949 0.3
2 949 0.3
3 070 241 380.5
18 844 743 2 335.8
8 001 505 991.7
20 669 298 2 561.9
3 592 838 445.3
30 591 442 3 791.8
4 069 217 504.3
5 597 303 693.7
3 231 388 400.5
26 068 528 3 231.2
46 691 5.7
63 716 7.8
2 815 765 349.0
34 844 670 4 319.0
256 320 31.7
1 986 834 246.2
2 572 833 318.9
27 957 171 3 465.3
509 860 63.1
2 625 494 325.4
4 776 589 592.0
16 440 092 2 037.7
240 366 29.7
491 384 60.9
3 608 001 447.2

First Hit: 7/2 02:55:44.886 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Nidark with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/2 05:10:12.556 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Holybri -> Lojed with Concentration Aura