1:34:33.489Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 13:15 - Rekoqq

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
207 844 287 36 634.2
32 972 388 5 811.6
63 366 646 11 168.9
35 458 476 6 249.8
8 095 516 1 426.9
163 127 28.7
171 620 30.2
9 277 889 1 635.3
20 510 972 3 615.2
654 613 115.3
4 426 995 780.2
2 658 087 468.5
40 598 265 7 155.7
3 139 596 553.3
26 995 726 4 758.2
948 842 167.2
1 355 137 238.8
3 568 620 628.9
34 117 249 6 013.4
1 071 925 188.9
2 874 156 506.5
3 625 070 638.9
19 022 152 3 352.8
821 229 144.7
3 185 840 561.5
2 560 107 451.2
20 836 083 3 672.5
4 641 004 818.0
8 233 336 1 451.1
3 121 711 550.2
20 364 848 3 589.4
3 584 0.6
31 395 5.5
2 460 046 433.6
17 303 476 3 049.8
329 345 58.0
607 649 107.1
2 223 790 391.9
24 338 719 4 289.9
42 480 518 7 487.5
2 823 560 497.6

First Hit: 7/2 13:15:54.879 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Rekoqq with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/2 14:50:28.368 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Amoralus -> Rekoqq with Devotion Aura