0:13:16.722Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 16:19 - Kvaas

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
8 659 089 10 868.3
1 618 621 2 031.6
4 297 752 5 394.2
1 524 693 1 913.7
1 632 892 2 049.5
3 625 4.5
3 625 4.5
197 930 248.4
1 969 329 2 471.7
662 0.8
11 550 14.4
152 505 191.4
428 799 538.2
37 214 46.7
90 901 114.0
456 394 572.8
37 890 47.5
1 477 372 1 854.3
3 841 561 4 821.7
187 402 235.2
2 111 288 2 649.9
13 727 17.2
31 699 39.7
158 892 199.4
1 848 010 2 319.5
73 436 92.1
292 539 367.1
150 794 189.2
630 881 791.8
12 585 15.7
25 877 32.4
220 776 277.1

First Hit: 7/2 16:19:54.712 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Thoodhum -> Kvaas with Fel Intelligence

Last Hit: 7/2 16:33:11.434 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Warchase -> Kekcoast with Trueshot Aura