1:57:36.291Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 18:15 - Pause

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
265 970 661 37 692.7
46 855 057 6 640.1
108 853 693 15 426.4
45 778 285 6 487.5
47 315 363 6 705.4
357 865 50.7
691 106 97.9
6 837 175 968.9
257 183 36.4
29 379 041 4 163.5
56 015 233 7 938.3
4 330 494 613.7
211 773 30.0
620 330 87.9
11 822 740 1 675.4
1 422 366 201.5
2 872 879 407.1
13 056 167 1 850.2
47 634 742 6 750.6
292 922 41.5
2 990 401 423.7
4 558 222 645.9
2 336 424 331.1
23 012 3.2
24 831 3.5
960 893 136.1
34 047 918 4 825.1
4 608 822 653.1
16 440 171 2 329.8
3 414 896 483.9
27 860 324 3 948.2
8 394 070 1 189.5
19 517 114 2 765.9
2 689 630 381.1
41 589 043 5 893.8
1 416 992 200.8
8 578 518 1 215.7
2 903 153 411.4
44 418 419 6 294.8
4 443 0.6
4 443 0.6
4 333 015 614.0
8 476 732 1 201.3
955 524 135.4
1 718 997 243.6
2 074 310 293.9

First Hit: 7/2 18:15:48.646 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Pause with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/2 20:13:24.937 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Pause with Hellscream's Warsong