0:12:13.619Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 18:57 - Luci

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
21 266 783 28 988.8
2 217 192 3 022.2
7 099 048 9 676.7
2 404 638 3 277.7
1 049 002 1 429.9
102 571 139.8
178 746 243.6
927 703 1 264.5
887 835 1 210.2
24 947 34.0
109 459 149.2
551 971 752.3
4 085 303 5 568.6
137 117 186.9
1 591 049 2 168.7
124 298 169.4
3 496 879 4 766.6
103 715 141.3
2 645 086 3 605.5
58 166 79.2
64 460 87.8
229 064 312.2
52 312 71.3
460 024 627.0
1 047 314 1 427.5
73 002 99.5
3 692 511 5 033.2
13 387 18.2
104 901 142.9
119 577 162.9
2 974 419 4 054.4
108 167 147.4
1 195 339 1 629.3
101 254 138.0
2 382 678 3 247.8
2 441 3.3
43 459 59.2
60 576 82.5
758 1.0
1 310 372 1 786.1
2 764 321 3 768.0
113 478 154.6

First Hit: 7/2 18:57:58.282 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Luci -> nil with Raise Dead

Last Hit: 7/2 19:10:11.901 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Rampartus -> Luci with Fire Resistance Aura