2:13:00.511Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 19:09 - Akrapovic

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
204 538 411 25 629.7
37 584 112 4 709.4
123 944 475 15 530.8
45 421 917 5 691.6
5 201 588 651.7
259 809 32.5
410 409 51.4
14 010 519 1 755.5
11 271 392 1 412.3
1 513 040 189.5
4 549 845 570.1
7 495 633 939.2
25 794 102 3 232.1
10 463 1.3
304 258 38.1
2 515 635 315.2
29 962 923 3 754.5
656 518 82.2
696 089 87.2
3 356 201 420.5
34 774 361 4 357.4
3 121 327 391.1
41 912 202 5 251.8
267 499 33.5
510 512 63.9
5 312 706 665.7
26 240 043 3 288.0
144 449 18.1
551 972 69.1
2 357 494 295.4
29 134 586 3 650.7
3 376 850 423.1
16 326 069 2 045.7
2 554 889 320.1
242 845 30.4
16 186 131 2 028.2
64 303 911 8 057.6
2 288 623 286.7
4 369 0.5
15 169 353 1 900.7
36 291 410 4 547.5
2 408 890 301.8

First Hit: 7/2 19:09:54.268 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Akrapovic -> Akrapovic with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/2 21:22:54.779 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Navory -> Akrapovic with Concentration Aura