0:31:06.336Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 22:47 - Btdream

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
71 861 159 38 503.8
12 991 291 6 960.8
37 172 371 19 917.2
21 954 979 11 763.6
6 494 931 3 480.0
211 910 113.5
1 194 808 640.1
2 695 902 1 444.4
11 712 922 6 275.8
417 251 223.5
530 202 284.0
1 848 642 990.5
4 377 426 2 345.4
1 248 162 668.7
3 436 915 1 841.5
3 896 468 2 087.7
12 715 935 6 813.3
1 926 203 1 032.0
9 411 726 5 042.8
218 0.1
7 234 3.8
2 071 402 1 109.8
8 465 346 4 535.8
70 071 37.5
196 556 105.3
2 080 898 1 114.9
10 272 286 5 503.9
498 282 266.9
802 840 430.1
1 639 584 878.5
136 945 73.3
4 115 102 2 204.9
19 036 513 10 199.9
1 931 190 1 034.7
8 232 858 4 411.2
267 197 143.1
345 307 185.0
2 026 385 1 085.7
40 784 21.8
6 163 098 3 302.2
11 621 996 6 227.1
1 838 305 984.9

First Hit: 7/2 22:47:35.634 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Mazdaqq -> nil with Воскрешение мертвых

Last Hit: 7/2 23:18:41.970 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Jmih -> Btdream with Аура сосредоточенности