1:00:01.889Custom Slice

02 Jul 24, 22:56 - Split

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
141 034 733 39 155.7
19 755 242 5 484.6
38 613 677 10 720.3
19 280 044 5 352.7
8 455 091 2 347.4
2 521 889 700.1
4 173 563 1 158.7
4 496 028 1 248.2
26 110 137 7 249.0
336 503 93.4
1 707 250 473.9
2 222 989 617.1
15 200 911 4 220.2
234 097 64.9
480 854 133.5
1 816 599 504.3
18 180 197 5 047.4
154 861 42.9
286 828 79.6
1 307 375 362.9
14 379 496 3 992.2
444 248 123.3
961 607 266.9
1 977 501 549.0
13 629 045 3 783.8
2 381 815 661.2
7 191 224 1 996.5
1 131 346 314.0
11 406 864 3 166.9
284 178 78.8
794 017 220.4
2 069 713 574.6
16 116 846 4 474.5
664 562 184.5
1 229 776 341.4
1 709 798 474.6
17 555 434 4 873.9
116 671 32.3
264 050 73.3
1 348 787 374.4
712 0.1
12 616 418 3 502.7
21 524 508 5 975.8
1 199 908 333.1

First Hit: 7/2 22:56:15.805 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Split with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/2 23:56:17.694 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Split -> Wormbasher with Devotion Aura