2:07:43.089Custom Slice

03 Jul 24, 10:07 - Huntron

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
294 857 765 38 477.6
47 346 973 6 178.5
137 163 867 17 899.2
45 377 360 5 921.5
18 542 012 2 419.6
3 920 489 511.6
19 717 977 2 573.1
11 544 826 1 506.5
41 802 528 5 455.0
265 319 34.6
284 883 37.1
3 079 418 401.8
33 257 289 4 339.9
39 223 5.1
487 788 63.6
2 489 104 324.8
47 072 671 6 142.7
4 248 333 554.3
30 525 304 3 983.4
3 265 145 426.0
61 794 064 8 063.8
468 655 61.1
3 633 821 474.1
4 192 708 547.1
30 076 011 3 924.7
527 373 68.8
644 688 84.1
2 785 419 363.4
421 330 54.9
27 502 033 3 588.8
57 035 595 7 442.8
3 685 875 480.9
40 525 118 5 288.3
2 965 0.3
2 965 0.3
3 739 029 487.9
21 101 235 2 753.6
525 673 68.5
1 847 838 241.1
7 670 322 1 000.9
265 507 34.6
9 846 910 1 284.9
22 983 008 2 999.1
2 925 514 381.7

First Hit: 7/3 10:07:03.990 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Luminescence -> nil with Penance

Last Hit: 7/3 12:14:47.079 UNIT_DIED nil -> Huntron