0:30:52.945Custom Slice

03 Jul 24, 18:38 - Wawguy

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
26 667 339 14 391.8
3 717 220 2 006.1
13 373 495 7 217.4
3 685 717 1 989.1
1 549 470 836.2
4 768 2.5
46 040 24.8
1 641 857 886.0
5 859 919 3 162.4
95 728 51.6
1 197 268 646.1
178 994 96.5
463 271 250.0
1 169 706 631.2
4 340 910 2 342.7
23 500 12.6
89 601 48.3
179 248 96.7
71 823 38.7
2 048 888 1 105.7
8 053 058 4 346.0
115 438 62.2
3 996 122 2 156.6
10 484 5.6
92 442 49.8
152 624 82.3
2 336 861 1 261.1
8 827 4.7
187 747 101.3
76 956 41.5
4 907 843 2 648.6
5 565 3.0
147 870 79.8
2 120 359 1 144.3
177 045 95.5
716 051 386.4
49 219 26.5
286 764 154.7
1 264 714 682.5
3 719 720 2 007.4
57 071 30.8

First Hit: 7/3 18:38:45.341 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Wawguy -> Atanasia with Concentration Aura

Last Hit: 7/3 19:09:38.286 SPELL_ENERGIZE Wawguy -> Wawguy with Mana Mana