1:43:15.013Custom Slice

03 Jul 24, 23:24 - Moren

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
118 920 386 19 196.1
33 233 613 5 364.5
82 298 519 13 284.6
26 393 150 4 260.3
6 726 682 1 085.8
74 752 12.0
114 928 18.5
7 116 764 1 148.7
14 442 582 2 331.3
227 042 36.6
544 507 87.8
1 629 343 263.0
17 496 222 2 824.2
1 295 741 209.1
19 831 211 3 201.1
1 672 562 269.9
4 890 059 789.3
1 917 535 309.5
17 947 889 2 897.1
80 720 13.0
1 212 750 195.7
1 870 448 301.9
21 366 522 3 448.9
46 669 7.5
357 043 57.6
1 481 692 239.1
440 730 71.1
13 499 797 2 179.1
43 983 075 7 099.7
1 506 602 243.1
15 051 445 2 429.6
1 221 096 197.1
5 039 940 813.5
276 865 44.6
487 856 78.7
6 998 329 1 129.6
577 163 93.1
17 355 206 2 801.4
30 708 301 4 956.9
1 355 600 218.8

First Hit: 7/3 23:24:07.859 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Moren -> Moren with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/4 01:07:22.872 SPELL_ENERGIZE Moren -> Moren with Mana Mana