0:36:41.416Custom Slice

04 Jul 24, 10:54 - Her

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
26 681 651 12 120.2
4 935 338 2 241.8
12 654 213 5 748.2
4 474 782 2 032.6
2 256 732 1 025.1
19 461 8.8
19 461 8.8
330 183 149.9
6 866 828 3 119.2
228 766 103.9
1 305 651 593.0
381 588 173.3
1 178 141 535.1
46 836 21.2
95 111 43.2
518 509 235.5
2 880 211 1 308.3
16 897 7.6
16 897 7.6
353 352 160.5
1 027 532 466.7
145 853 66.2
337 953 153.5
1 185 282 538.4
4 345 371 1 973.8
620 753 281.9
2 412 164 1 095.7
319 708 145.2
4 004 974 1 819.2
47 263 21.4
88 682 40.2
399 507 181.4
3 056 411 1 388.3
22 630 10.2
22 630 10.2
317 243 144.1
1 064 724 483.6
275 651 125.2
1 017 459 462.1
339 565 154.2
727 0.3
3 511 228 1 594.9
7 338 205 3 333.4
329 845 149.8

First Hit: 7/4 10:54:38.590 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Her -> Her with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/4 11:31:20.006 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Fitymafekk -> Her with Moonkin Aura