1:12:17.232Custom Slice

04 Jul 24, 15:39 - Ecoat

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
221 161 718 50 991.4
37 357 467 8 613.2
90 574 674 20 883.0
37 992 592 8 759.6
7 216 812 1 663.9
248 766 57.3
376 737 86.8
10 235 237 2 359.8
32 467 849 7 485.8
5 744 545 1 324.4
24 018 187 5 537.6
2 891 155 666.5
42 678 586 9 840.0
323 695 74.6
2 519 803 580.9
4 258 649 981.8
33 260 730 7 668.6
26 725 6.1
374 893 86.4
3 053 655 704.0
22 483 278 5 183.7
1 467 997 338.4
3 210 534 740.2
3 978 568 917.3
33 545 651 7 734.3
199 263 45.9
270 929 62.4
2 856 853 658.6
19 697 310 4 541.4
1 365 0.3
27 300 6.2
3 273 565 754.7
332 660 76.6
4 150 608 956.9
12 253 781 2 825.2
989 288 228.0
29 472 882 6 795.3
3 191 358 735.8
5 960 1.3
25 194 503 5 808.8
47 522 510 10 956.8
3 264 264 752.6

First Hit: 7/4 15:39:44.702 SWING_DAMAGE Skybreaker Hierophant -> Spire Frostwyrm with Melee

Last Hit: 7/4 16:52:01.934 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Golyahere -> Golyahere with Effervescence