0:33:24.848Custom Slice

04 Jul 24, 16:45 - Plexs

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
44 585 939 22 239.0
7 805 647 3 893.3
38 208 513 19 058.0
6 849 641 3 416.5
9 600 207 4 788.4
285 748 142.5
1 644 489 820.2
639 621 319.0
1 707 702 851.7
271 866 135.6
793 313 395.6
1 817 995 906.7
6 816 514 3 400.0
147 669 73.6
157 938 78.7
537 698 268.1
120 985 60.3
1 943 020 969.1
9 032 578 4 505.3
527 906 263.3
3 738 373 1 864.6
100 631 50.1
124 009 61.8
565 135 281.8
2 689 739 1 341.6
575 323 286.9
2 217 803 1 106.2
1 077 894 537.6
9 706 103 4 841.3
738 347 368.2
5 405 290 2 696.1
413 896 206.4
7 126 836 3 554.8
602 191 300.3
3 974 252 1 982.3
440 349 219.6
3 079 480 1 536.0
65 400 32.6
65 400 32.6
437 826 218.3
3 075 452 1 534.0
14 793 441 7 378.8
391 321 195.1

First Hit: 7/4 16:45:26.810 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Plexs -> Plexs with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/4 17:18:51.658 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Hergonyt -> Plexs with Frost Resistance Aura