0:09:42.900Custom Slice

04 Jul 24, 21:46 - Wawguy

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
13 215 797 22 672.4
3 314 840 5 686.8
7 147 679 12 262.2
3 038 070 5 211.9
1 646 836 2 825.2
17 691 30.3
86 758 148.8
160 768 275.8
651 437 1 117.5
149 843 257.0
452 043 775.5
677 518 1 162.3
2 323 824 3 986.6
19 043 32.6
51 466 88.2
177 789 305.0
2 128 193 3 651.0
66 081 113.3
343 511 589.3
141 149 242.1
893 102 1 532.1
100 033 171.6
336 195 576.7
1 033 930 1 773.7
1 743 841 2 991.6
49 828 85.4
128 121 219.7
157 805 270.7
1 865 456 3 200.3
12 094 20.7
46 745 80.1
119 455 204.9
1 928 177 3 307.9
12 372 21.2
45 184 77.5
190 964 327.6
34 931 59.9
1 465 885 2 514.8
3 324 481 5 703.3
144 673 248.1
1 421 970 2 439.4
2 333 175 4 002.7
234 019 401.4

First Hit: 7/4 21:46:17.024 SPELL_CAST_START Wawguy -> nil with Summon Charger

Last Hit: 7/4 21:55:59.924 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Wawguy -> Yodelingnerd with Beacon of Light