1:55:46.906Custom Slice

04 Jul 24, 22:41 - Yukixd

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
258 190 772 37 166.2
44 863 814 6 458.1
102 322 147 14 729.1
47 011 282 6 767.2
35 372 405 5 091.8
2 503 131 360.3
2 966 653 427.0
3 643 829 524.5
38 799 740 5 585.1
5 721 471 823.5
28 038 015 4 036.0
3 273 966 471.2
24 507 934 3 527.8
2 546 648 366.5
26 717 067 3 845.8
15 645 2.2
51 870 7.4
2 597 376 373.8
30 431 491 4 380.5
2 522 147 363.0
5 083 489 731.7
4 533 171 652.5
30 673 719 4 415.4
3 816 483 549.3
27 415 377 3 946.4
256 693 36.9
508 927 73.2
4 675 685 673.0
12 207 314 1 757.2
2 907 667 418.5
4 896 647 704.8
14 133 284 2 034.4
32 063 895 4 615.5
1 838 060 264.5
3 979 432 572.8
3 432 883 494.1
1 830 0.2
29 099 000 4 188.7
56 797 114 8 175.8
4 357 957 627.3

First Hit: 7/4 22:41:58.462 SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL Trumpetacz -> Trumpetacz with Riptide

Last Hit: 7/5 00:37:45.368 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Lisatha -> Yukixd with Moonkin Aura