1:33:46.339Custom Slice

05 Jul 24, 17:11 - Diimh

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
254 341 867 45 205.5
42 986 386 7 640.2
112 876 011 20 062.0
42 489 800 7 551.9
36 547 065 6 495.7
1 122 970 199.5
13 289 380 2 361.9
3 602 030 640.2
13 063 654 2 321.8
7 220 588 1 283.3
22 234 986 3 951.9
11 245 367 1 998.7
42 072 404 7 477.7
3 926 563 697.8
40 715 541 7 236.5
34 783 6.1
435 778 77.4
3 647 672 648.3
31 956 222 5 679.7
205 921 36.5
570 655 101.4
4 770 613 847.9
31 784 665 5 649.2
979 251 174.0
1 205 078 214.1
4 115 642 731.4
25 817 413 4 588.6
4 839 576 860.1
17 752 814 3 155.3
3 044 805 541.1
32 154 972 5 715.0
474 668 84.3
862 612 153.3
3 245 297 576.8
209 734 37.2
28 022 481 4 980.5
56 403 652 10 024.9
3 882 832 690.1
20 197 3.5
86 148 15.3
121 056 21.5
1 008 979 179.3

First Hit: 7/5 17:11:49.477 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Diimh with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/5 18:45:35.816 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Diimh with Hellscream's Warsong