1:49:16.199Custom Slice

05 Jul 24, 18:12 - Freppi

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
263 263 054 40 154.8
42 574 347 6 493.7
126 729 365 19 329.7
41 978 569 6 402.8
27 410 690 4 180.8
1 504 495 229.4
1 848 647 281.9
2 472 476 377.1
37 472 716 5 715.6
3 814 206 581.7
25 208 590 3 845.0
4 561 667 695.7
17 517 362 2 671.8
3 017 829 460.3
27 120 034 4 136.5
380 442 58.0
1 325 299 202.1
4 535 675 691.8
36 670 284 5 593.2
62 579 9.5
434 343 66.2
3 261 060 497.4
41 323 627 6 302.9
1 928 911 294.2
12 362 349 1 885.5
3 800 799 579.7
14 306 892 2 182.1
6 461 593 985.5
20 166 616 3 075.9
9 971 651 1 520.9
37 460 258 5 713.7
3 262 061 497.5
10 332 261 1 575.9
4 306 778 656.9
61 975 9.4
7 574 933 1 155.3
13 846 056 2 111.9
1 021 832 155.8
16 038 800 2 446.3
150 254 22.9
405 262 61.8
4 222 246 644.0
189 188 28.8
16 687 412 2 545.2
48 491 170 7 396.2
1 554 017 237.0

First Hit: 7/5 18:12:22.204 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Freppi with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/5 20:01:38.403 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Kreezhem -> Freppi with Fel Intelligence