0:21:23.923Custom Slice

05 Jul 24, 23:51 - Deurby

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
20 428 974 15 911.3
2 565 744 1 998.3
6 123 200 4 769.1
2 712 331 2 112.5
3 697 818 2 880.0
6 351 4.9
70 864 55.1
153 231 119.3
1 505 238 1 172.3
25 914 20.1
29 830 23.2
1 651 801 1 286.5
69 314 53.9
1 371 377 1 068.1
3 142 551 2 447.6
63 385 49.3
2 755 952 2 146.5
340 456 265.1
1 600 891 1 246.8
184 118 143.4
3 220 790 2 508.5
8 264 6.4
8 264 6.4
168 287 131.0
3 232 860 2 517.9
12 884 10.0
64 960 50.5
202 685 157.8
3 360 427 2 617.3
120 824 94.1
2 561 517 1 995.0
95 475 74.3
25 058 19.5
800 498 623.4
1 205 840 939.1
72 525 56.4

First Hit: 7/5 23:51:05.101 SPELL_CAST_START Aurorr -> nil with Holy Light

Last Hit: 7/6 00:12:29.024 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Deurby -> Vagan with Tree of Life