1:24:32.493Custom Slice

06 Jul 24, 14:52 - Salsa

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
251 733 202 49 627.1
40 113 953 7 908.1
81 844 273 16 134.9
41 208 063 8 123.8
34 699 372 6 840.6
11 617 2.2
66 885 13.1
3 280 953 646.8
31 978 577 6 304.3
4 998 047 985.3
18 407 348 3 628.8
2 923 228 576.2
34 362 738 6 774.3
283 308 55.8
571 964 112.7
3 556 296 701.0
35 021 176 6 904.1
301 244 59.3
559 543 110.3
4 349 365 857.4
7 582 981 1 494.9
462 271 91.1
731 287 144.1
10 472 169 2 064.5
33 098 040 6 525.0
3 715 603 732.5
32 276 872 6 363.1
8 036 951 1 584.4
17 697 394 3 488.8
4 156 772 819.4
37 173 501 7 328.4
715 764 141.1
2 961 626 583.8
3 579 277 705.6
5 463 038 1 076.9
1 977 0.3
1 977 0.3
1 684 745 332.1
76 907 15.1
25 302 774 4 988.2
40 846 249 8 052.4
3 489 655 687.9

First Hit: 7/6 14:52:58.413 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Salsa with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/6 16:17:30.906 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Salsa with Strength of Wrynn