0:25:32.628Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 15:59 - Pinnid

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
31 636 134 20 641.7
5 520 025 3 601.6
24 437 601 15 944.9
4 947 017 3 227.8
6 671 303 4 352.8
217 176 141.7
924 622 603.2
704 074 459.3
2 384 117 1 555.5
92 821 60.5
439 669 286.8
477 546 311.5
2 377 281 1 551.1
546 556 356.6
1 864 376 1 216.4
966 706 630.7
1 915 134 1 249.5
63 247 41.2
146 047 95.2
444 713 290.1
131 581 85.8
2 584 813 1 686.5
14 599 581 9 525.8
352 696 230.1
5 748 385 3 750.6
25 952 16.9
25 952 16.9
367 887 240.0
2 414 777 1 575.5
31 830 20.7
31 830 20.7
371 470 242.3
3 020 448 1 970.7
277 665 181.1
1 051 951 686.3
373 795 243.8
6 973 108 4 549.7
40 105 26.1
40 105 26.1
537 627 350.7
1 639 860 1 069.9
5 313 468 3 466.8
350 503 228.6

First Hit: 7/7 15:59:59.728 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Pinnid -> Pinnid with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/7 16:25:32.356 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Miosito -> Pinnid with Tree of Life