1:49:49.443Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 18:30 - Mopexx

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
95 042 717 14 423.4
10 270 958 1 558.6
45 635 735 6 925.5
8 678 051 1 316.9
15 520 327 2 355.3
18 014 2.7
77 595 11.7
593 670 90.0
7 950 339 1 206.5
137 979 20.9
800 340 121.4
2 833 457 429.9
5 300 464 804.3
538 961 81.7
2 821 580 428.1
1 463 569 222.1
12 265 068 1 861.3
462 291 70.1
2 100 324 318.7
402 847 61.1
12 249 889 1 859.0
191 569 29.0
191 569 29.0
638 408 96.8
366 179 55.5
3 434 354 521.1
22 034 156 3 343.8
421 020 63.8
10 983 553 1 666.8
72 982 11.0
72 982 11.0
299 205 45.4
10 232 725 1 552.8
1 123 0.1
8 490 1.2
324 908 49.3
1 137 846 172.6
4 481 543 680.1
16 202 817 2 458.9
405 884 61.5
16 239 095 2 464.4
226 757 34.4
226 757 34.4
999 659 151.7
1 302 262 197.6
51 959 7.8
246 779 37.4
115 237 17.4
1 494 970 226.8
653 426 99.1
852 346 129.3
180 187 27.3

First Hit: 7/7 18:30:50.520 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Zhaafun -> Mopexx with Fel Intelligence

Last Hit: 7/7 20:20:39.963 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Nimueh -> Nimueh with Sniper Training