3:29:39.566Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 20:08 - Foculus

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
359 697 465 28 593.7
85 539 515 6 799.8
191 364 758 15 212.3
84 158 268 6 690.0
12 634 221 1 004.3
3 268 522 259.8
5 942 401 472.3
23 109 507 1 837.0
32 761 255 2 604.3
163 229 12.9
492 436 39.1
1 533 488 121.9
64 063 052 5 092.6
6 474 304 514.6
17 273 659 1 373.1
6 958 748 553.1
63 372 423 5 037.7
4 516 0.3
4 516 0.3
8 402 582 667.9
49 582 211 3 941.4
387 703 30.8
3 495 624 277.8
5 785 467 459.9
59 596 362 4 737.5
40 227 3.1
114 947 9.1
7 544 421 599.7
102 928 8.1
11 541 021 917.4
19 950 848 1 585.9
2 729 766 217.0
13 652 836 1 085.3
3 096 586 246.1
7 232 241 574.9
11 441 235 909.5
30 086 532 2 391.6
344 032 27.3
476 752 37.8
1 119 908 89.0
7 270 372 577.9
11 385 099 905.0
28 038 851 2 228.9
4 562 507 362.6
26 193 524 2 082.2
5 125 027 407.4
13 521 707 1 074.8
3 785 529 300.9
175 433 13.9
36 149 709 2 873.6
72 175 877 5 737.5
5 224 527 415.3
206 316 16.4
7 559 540 600.9
22 644 899 1 800.1
1 960 583 155.8

First Hit: 7/7 20:08:09.160 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Foculus -> Foculus with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/7 23:37:48.726 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Foculus -> Cicero with Aspect of the Pack