3:06:20.895Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 20:22 - Yanell

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
131 282 329 11 741.6
21 226 482 1 898.4
50 795 052 4 543.0
20 973 187 1 875.8
15 288 066 1 367.3
40 644 3.6
100 249 8.9
1 246 558 111.4
19 914 303 1 781.1
596 041 53.3
3 780 894 338.1
2 686 979 240.3
10 597 715 947.8
1 856 766 166.0
8 538 145 763.6
6 360 634 568.8
11 123 051 994.8
164 957 14.7
346 204 30.9
3 026 979 270.7
19 553 305 1 748.8
836 605 74.8
3 417 264 305.6
1 321 946 118.2
13 595 233 1 215.9
112 189 10.0
568 251 50.8
1 230 943 110.0
23 026 264 2 059.4
878 607 78.5
3 437 171 307.4
1 413 972 126.4
17 758 279 1 588.2
1 470 069 131.4
4 264 0.3
12 742 886 1 139.7
24 496 727 2 190.9
1 284 743 114.9
421 849 37.7
3 997 787 357.5
6 110 147 546.4
930 364 83.2

First Hit: 7/7 20:22:44.028 PARTY_KILL Execrete -> Njorndar Spear-Sister

Last Hit: 7/7 23:29:04.923 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Aliceguo -> Yanell with Devotion Aura