3:40:47.632Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 20:58 - Kahln

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
362 301 170 27 348.3
85 780 198 6 475.1
192 034 150 14 495.7
83 570 775 6 308.3
14 089 106 1 063.5
3 095 243 233.6
7 230 898 545.8
11 482 116 866.7
147 308 11.1
11 687 126 882.2
20 176 168 1 523.0
2 671 667 201.6
12 947 012 977.3
3 303 102 249.3
6 005 231 453.3
23 191 124 1 750.5
31 430 307 2 372.5
358 950 27.0
498 927 37.6
1 123 410 84.8
381 293 28.7
36 220 386 2 734.1
72 556 267 5 476.9
5 168 444 390.1
33 006 292 2 491.4
163 229 12.3
497 251 37.5
1 533 488 115.7
59 647 034 4 502.4
33 770 2.5
108 395 8.1
7 216 117 544.7
63 377 250 4 784.0
4 516 0.3
4 516 0.3
8 382 684 632.7
64 051 325 4 834.9
6 474 173 488.7
17 273 202 1 303.8
6 958 748 525.2
49 553 195 3 740.5
387 703 29.2
3 495 624 263.8
5 713 362 431.2
7 270 372 548.8
11 366 480 858.0
28 020 112 2 115.1
4 466 565 337.1
26 194 360 1 977.2
5 125 980 386.9
13 522 660 1 020.7
3 702 467 279.4
206 316 15.5
7 559 540 570.6
22 644 899 1 709.3
1 960 583 147.9

First Hit: 7/7 20:58:13.629 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Kahln -> nil with Raise Dead

Last Hit: 7/8 00:39:01.261 PARTY_KILL Askenhollo -> Squirrel