4:12:14.161Custom Slice

07 Jul 24, 21:27 - Zakss

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
1 292 454 504 85 399.8
214 947 741 14 202.8
716 361 463 47 334.0
225 989 006 14 932.3
64 455 879 4 258.9
548 737 36.2
2 474 691 163.5
6 239 466 412.2
57 480 041 3 798.0
1 902 171 125.6
3 734 507 246.7
5 790 116 382.5
67 298 085 4 446.7
530 867 35.0
3 905 617 258.0
4 572 925 302.1
68 316 484 4 514.0
1 176 857 77.7
6 346 161 419.3
7 336 108 484.7
69 023 081 4 560.7
10 022 060 662.2
42 422 869 2 803.1
5 965 199 394.1
25 465 053 1 682.6
7 171 532 473.8
27 024 876 1 785.6
24 265 233 1 603.3
16 641 297 1 099.5
1 434 543 94.7
4 635 623 306.3
28 234 890 1 865.6
72 138 125 4 766.5
10 283 410 679.4
42 618 598 2 816.0
5 854 569 386.8
56 564 730 3 737.5
1 316 535 86.9
4 856 408 320.8
8 112 510 536.0
62 455 181 4 126.7
451 063 29.8
1 185 897 78.3
7 418 425 490.1
69 008 009 4 559.7
6 593 356 435.6
17 867 528 1 180.6
6 308 025 416.8
86 003 874 5 682.7
3 544 095 234.1
17 913 510 1 183.6
7 027 825 464.3
84 555 761 5 587.0
1 620 127 107.0
21 431 922 1 416.1
6 351 868 419.7
65 760 995 4 345.2
1 583 342 104.6
11 574 591 764.7
5 963 113 394.0
73 672 382 4 867.9
445 759 29.4
1 308 840 86.4
7 419 840 490.2
63 896 738 4 222.0
8 251 715 545.2
24 599 613 1 625.4
6 222 479 411.1
69 805 723 4 612.4
604 983 39.9
1 679 829 110.9
5 831 876 385.3
57 132 234 3 775.0
358 164 23.6
1 122 498 74.1
5 774 322 381.5
63 429 002 4 191.1
341 850 22.5
1 147 677 75.8
6 365 918 420.6
655 000 43.2
39 827 188 2 631.6
150 652 285 9 954.4
6 047 243 399.5
69 300 767 4 579.0
1 495 523 98.8
12 497 266 825.7
6 087 174 402.2
714 361 47.2
28 906 519 1 910.0
124 670 532 8 237.6
6 759 965 446.6
688 411 45.4
30 286 088 2 001.1
65 921 920 4 355.8
9 140 667 603.9
1 573 0.1
50 168 490 3 314.9
107 866 712 7 127.3
6 560 484 433.4
506 012 33.4
6 082 767 401.9
16 901 493 1 116.7
5 378 552 355.3
27 485 706 1 816.1
24 960 214 1 649.2

First Hit: 7/7 21:27:03.057 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Zahilmenya -> GaeWolf with Gift of the Wild

Last Hit: 7/8 01:39:17.218 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Zakss -> Mazan with Trueshot Aura