0:46:58.549Custom Slice

08 Jul 24, 00:01 - Delords

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
96 421 616 34 209.6
22 787 986 8 085.0
68 969 316 24 469.7
27 986 856 9 929.5
13 116 558 4 653.6
435 014 154.3
583 415 206.9
2 371 061 841.2
11 056 427 3 922.7
29 094 10.3
235 982 83.7
1 959 916 695.3
4 304 671 1 527.2
268 558 95.2
422 745 149.9
5 505 366 1 953.2
18 319 946 6 499.7
2 421 382 859.0
14 833 620 5 262.8
488 674 173.3
624 182 221.4
2 720 836 965.3
11 135 147 3 950.6
1 298 662 460.7
5 003 734 1 775.2
1 171 298 415.5
4 160 442 1 476.0
1 036 784 367.8
5 300 182 1 880.4
4 764 995 1 690.5
19 214 979 6 817.3
115 162 40.8
307 438 109.0
2 828 741 1 003.6
276 590 98.1
11 266 725 3 997.3
39 895 739 14 154.7
1 752 930 621.9
3 236 1.1
7 849 313 2 784.8
16 595 899 5 888.1
2 490 331 883.5

First Hit: 7/8 00:01:58.017 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Delords -> Restorian with Concentration Aura

Last Hit: 7/8 00:48:56.566 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Delords with Hellscream's Warsong